BioLogical Alchemy
Energy Medicine for Conscious Evolution
Holistic Medicine!
The Medicine Wheel provides Sacred Space for One to commune with the archetypal Elements of the YOUniverse for healing and enlightenment.
The BioLogical Alchemy program facilitates One to deepen their relationship with SELF and all aspects of Creation in order to unify, align, heal, balance, and activate your PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, SPIRITUAL, and LIGHT bodies in harmony with Nature.
The Medicine ‘Spiral’ offers you tools for healing and personal alchemy to ‘heal thy Self’ and manifest Life in your Highest Good; before applying it to facilitate healing and transformation in others!
Energy Medicine for Conscious Evolution
Holistic Medicine!
The Medicine Wheel provides Sacred Space for One to commune with the archetypal Elements of the YOUniverse for healing and enlightenment.
The BioLogical Alchemy program facilitates One to deepen their relationship with SELF and all aspects of Creation in order to unify, align, heal, balance, and activate your PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, SPIRITUAL, and LIGHT bodies in harmony with Nature.
The Medicine ‘Spiral’ offers you tools for healing and personal alchemy to ‘heal thy Self’ and manifest Life in your Highest Good; before applying it to facilitate healing and transformation in others!
Sacred Geometry!
Practicing Sacred Geometry balances brain hemisphere activity and creates harmonic neuropathways, while activating & fortifying your BioEnergy MerKaBa Light-Body field.
Each session works with specific Medicine Crystals, Elementals, Sound Tones, Power Animals & Sacred Geometries to construct, contemplate, and use for practical, therapeutic, and divination applications.
Practicing Sacred Geometry balances brain hemisphere activity and creates harmonic neuropathways, while activating & fortifying your BioEnergy MerKaBa Light-Body field.
Each session works with specific Medicine Crystals, Elementals, Sound Tones, Power Animals & Sacred Geometries to construct, contemplate, and use for practical, therapeutic, and divination applications.

13 Galactic Tone Chakras
The BioAlchemy system uses a FULL OCTAVE of chakras aligned with the Galactic Tones of the Mayan Calendar. This is an accelerated intuitive-feeling-feminine fractal resonance centered in the Divine Sacred Space of the Heart.
9.Crown Consciousness
10. Frontal- Sound
11. Brow- Light
9.Crown Consciousness
10. Frontal- Sound
11. Brow- Light
8. Nose- Sense
12. Chin- Thought
13. Throat- Aether
7. Thymus- Metal
6. Heart- Air
2. Solar- Fire
1. Navel- CHI
3. Sacral- Water
5. Pubic- Wood
4. Base- Earth
Unity / Yoga
Higher Self / Dreaming
Intuition / Color
Perception / Space
Logic / Time
Expression / Creativity
Ego/ Immune System
Psyche / Breath
Mental / Male energy
Energy / Nutrition
Emotional / Feminine
Growth / Plants
Physical / Minerals
The BioAlchemy system uses a FULL OCTAVE of chakras aligned with the Galactic Tones of the Mayan Calendar. This is an accelerated intuitive-feeling-feminine fractal resonance centered in the Divine Sacred Space of the Heart.
9.Crown Consciousness
10. Frontal- Sound
11. Brow- Light
9.Crown Consciousness
10. Frontal- Sound
11. Brow- Light
8. Nose- Sense
12. Chin- Thought
13. Throat- Aether
7. Thymus- Metal
6. Heart- Air
2. Solar- Fire
1. Navel- CHI
3. Sacral- Water
5. Pubic- Wood
4. Base- Earth
Unity / Yoga
Higher Self / Dreaming
Intuition / Color
Perception / Space
Logic / Time
Expression / Creativity
Ego/ Immune System
Psyche / Breath
Mental / Male energy
Energy / Nutrition
Emotional / Feminine
Growth / Plants
Physical / Minerals
BioLogical Alchemy is the application of LIFE sciences for personal mastery, spiritual development, shamanic energy work & healing in conscious evolution. It offers tools for transformation, manifestation, and harmonic resonance with thy Self, Nature, and the YOUniverse!
BioAlchemy is a Medicine Wheel of Life experience based upon universal principles and natural archetypes. We relate our aspects of Self through the 13 Chakras of the body and their corresponding alchemical elements. Through balancing and activating all 13 of your Chakras and their principles; One gains a clear insight on relationship with Life, centered in the Heart to accelerate One’s path.
The BioLogical Alchemy system works to connect each of the 13 Chakras with the Heart in order to create your personal Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is the space where we experience Unconditional Love and a pure clean integral Source of energy from Source. This is the space held to connect with the Higher Self, program, heal, and enlighten life experiences.
The BioAlchemy program facilitates One to fortify Self in order to develop the tools and template that wo
The Medicine Wheel Altar perpetuates group intention & Elemental energies to embed with collective consciousness in Sacred Space to facilitate human Being in benevolence with Nature
personal Alchemy
Sacred Geometry
Consciousness Physics
shamanic journeying
esoteric anatomy
chi gong
sound healing
dowsing/ muscle testing
Power Animals
creating Sacred Space
Energy work
chakra balancing
toxic energy extraction
crystal & gemstone therapy and gridding
fire ceremony
healing arts
Power Spots in nature
Mer-Ka-Ba fields
Light Body activation
initiations/ attunements
tarot reading- divination
sound meditation
healing sound
BioAlchemy is a Medicine Wheel of Life experience based upon universal principles and natural archetypes. We relate our aspects of Self through the 13 Chakras of the body and their corresponding alchemical elements. Through balancing and activating all 13 of your Chakras and their principles; One gains a clear insight on relationship with Life, centered in the Heart to accelerate One’s path.
The BioLogical Alchemy system works to connect each of the 13 Chakras with the Heart in order to create your personal Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is the space where we experience Unconditional Love and a pure clean integral Source of energy from Source. This is the space held to connect with the Higher Self, program, heal, and enlighten life experiences.
The BioAlchemy program facilitates One to fortify Self in order to develop the tools and template that wo
The Medicine Wheel Altar perpetuates group intention & Elemental energies to embed with collective consciousness in Sacred Space to facilitate human Being in benevolence with Nature
personal Alchemy
Sacred Geometry
Consciousness Physics
shamanic journeying
esoteric anatomy
chi gong
sound healing
dowsing/ muscle testing
Power Animals
creating Sacred Space
Energy work
chakra balancing
toxic energy extraction
crystal & gemstone therapy and gridding
fire ceremony
healing arts
Power Spots in nature
Mer-Ka-Ba fields
Light Body activation
initiations/ attunements
tarot reading- divination
sound meditation
healing sound
March 24 & 25: 1. Navel~ Energy / Light Body
April 21 & 22: 2. Solar~ Fire / Mental Body / Masculine
May 19 & 20: 3. Sacral~ Water / Emotional Body / Feminine
June 23 & 24: 4. Base~ Earth / Physical Body / Manifestation
July 21 & 22: 5. Pubic ~ Wood / Sexual Body / Rebirthing
August 18 & 19: 6. Heart ~ Air / Psychic body
September 15 & 16: 7. Thymus~ Metal / Ego / Immune System
October 20 &21: 8. Nose~ Senses /Direction, navigation Right Brain
November 17 & 18: 9. Crown~ Consciousness / Yoga
December 15 & 16: 10. Frontal~ Sound / Higher Self / Dreaming
January 11. Brow~ Light / Intuition / insight/ inner vision
February : 12. Chin~ Thought / Logic Reason
March : 13. Throat~ Aether
April 21 & 22: 2. Solar~ Fire / Mental Body / Masculine
May 19 & 20: 3. Sacral~ Water / Emotional Body / Feminine
June 23 & 24: 4. Base~ Earth / Physical Body / Manifestation
July 21 & 22: 5. Pubic ~ Wood / Sexual Body / Rebirthing
August 18 & 19: 6. Heart ~ Air / Psychic body
September 15 & 16: 7. Thymus~ Metal / Ego / Immune System
October 20 &21: 8. Nose~ Senses /Direction, navigation Right Brain
November 17 & 18: 9. Crown~ Consciousness / Yoga
December 15 & 16: 10. Frontal~ Sound / Higher Self / Dreaming
January 11. Brow~ Light / Intuition / insight/ inner vision
February : 12. Chin~ Thought / Logic Reason
March : 13. Throat~ Aether
BioAlchemy Galactic Tone Chakras::
the NAVEL Chakra
1. UNITY: The Navel Chakra: Chi thru the Navel - Universal Life Force Love Unifying Energy
Geometry: Vesica Piscis, the Point.
Crystals: Rutiliated Quartz, Coral,
Mayan Tone: 1 UNITY
Element: ULFLU Universal Life Force ~ Love Unifying Energy
Power Animal: Fish,
We will work with Crystals for Shamanic use and building a Healer's Mesa or Medicine Bundle; engage in Sacred Geometry applications for therapuetic use; working with the Element and aspects of Self; Power Animal retrievals.
We work to align all our energy centers in the Heart- so we may program our Sanctuary amd Sacrred Space centered in the Heart in our Highest good.
the NAVEL Chakra
1. UNITY: The Navel Chakra: Chi thru the Navel - Universal Life Force Love Unifying Energy
Geometry: Vesica Piscis, the Point.
Crystals: Rutiliated Quartz, Coral,
Mayan Tone: 1 UNITY
Element: ULFLU Universal Life Force ~ Love Unifying Energy
Power Animal: Fish,
We will work with Crystals for Shamanic use and building a Healer's Mesa or Medicine Bundle; engage in Sacred Geometry applications for therapuetic use; working with the Element and aspects of Self; Power Animal retrievals.
We work to align all our energy centers in the Heart- so we may program our Sanctuary amd Sacrred Space centered in the Heart in our Highest good.
the SOLAR Chakra
2. DUALITY: The Solar Chakra: Soular Power- Fire Element, the Mental Body
Geometry: Tetrahedron, Star Tetrahedron
Crystals: Amber, Citrine, Tiger's Eye
Mayan Tone: 2 Duality
Element: FIRE
Power Animal: Wolf, Coyote, Canine
this class includes:
how to Fire Ceremony
cord cutting/ extractions/ field clearing
the EAST direction of Sacred Space and the Mental Body, Divine Masculine energy, Will Power, and FIRE ELEMENT
Bands of Power initiation/ attunement
MerKaBa Field initiation/ attunement
Sacred G: the tetrahedron & Star Tetrahedron & more!
Power Animal retrieval for the Solar Chakra
the SOLAR Chakra
2. DUALITY: The Solar Chakra: Soular Power- Fire Element, the Mental Body
Geometry: Tetrahedron, Star Tetrahedron
Crystals: Amber, Citrine, Tiger's Eye
Mayan Tone: 2 Duality
Element: FIRE
Power Animal: Wolf, Coyote, Canine
this class includes:
how to Fire Ceremony
cord cutting/ extractions/ field clearing
the EAST direction of Sacred Space and the Mental Body, Divine Masculine energy, Will Power, and FIRE ELEMENT
Bands of Power initiation/ attunement
MerKaBa Field initiation/ attunement
Sacred G: the tetrahedron & Star Tetrahedron & more!
Power Animal retrieval for the Solar Chakra
the SACRAL Chakra
3: Action. EnergyMotion Emotional Body Water Element and the Sacred SACRAL CHAKRA
Geometry: Icosahedron
Crystals: Ocean Jasper, Moonstone, Carnelian
Mayan Tone: 3 Action
Element: WATER
Power Animal: Cats, Felines, Jaguar, Cougar, Tiger, Lion,
May 20 & 21 2016
5:43pm-9:01PM Opening Ceremony @ SuperCharge! Foods
11:00am Sacred Site ~local nature~ Field Trip: WATER Blessing CEREMONY
1:00pm-5:30pm Class @ SuperCharge! Foods
6:00pm Fire ~ Jam ~ Food
cost/ energy exchange $110 :)
this class includes:
initiation of the SACRAL Chakra and the Emotional Body
Water Blessing Ceremony at a Sacred Spring where we will connect with Water Source and receive a 'baptismal' style Water Blessing and Chakra cleansing
Honoring the Divine Feminine
Feminine, yin, emotional energy
Sacred G: ICOSAHEDRON, binary progression & more!
Power Animal retrieval for the Sacral Chakra~ jaguar, tiger, cougar, cats, etc.
Heart Sanctuary - your personal alchemical labratory with your Higher Self
Love, Light, and group consciousness in Sacred Circle to FACILITATE LIFE GROWTH!
please contact TJ to pre-register [email protected]
what to bring: a gemstone or crystal for your Sacral Chakra (recommended Moonstone, Carnelian, Ocean Jasper, orange Calcite...)
the SACRAL Chakra
3: Action. EnergyMotion Emotional Body Water Element and the Sacred SACRAL CHAKRA
Geometry: Icosahedron
Crystals: Ocean Jasper, Moonstone, Carnelian
Mayan Tone: 3 Action
Element: WATER
Power Animal: Cats, Felines, Jaguar, Cougar, Tiger, Lion,
May 20 & 21 2016
5:43pm-9:01PM Opening Ceremony @ SuperCharge! Foods
11:00am Sacred Site ~local nature~ Field Trip: WATER Blessing CEREMONY
1:00pm-5:30pm Class @ SuperCharge! Foods
6:00pm Fire ~ Jam ~ Food
cost/ energy exchange $110 :)
this class includes:
initiation of the SACRAL Chakra and the Emotional Body
Water Blessing Ceremony at a Sacred Spring where we will connect with Water Source and receive a 'baptismal' style Water Blessing and Chakra cleansing
Honoring the Divine Feminine
Feminine, yin, emotional energy
Sacred G: ICOSAHEDRON, binary progression & more!
Power Animal retrieval for the Sacral Chakra~ jaguar, tiger, cougar, cats, etc.
Heart Sanctuary - your personal alchemical labratory with your Higher Self
Love, Light, and group consciousness in Sacred Circle to FACILITATE LIFE GROWTH!
please contact TJ to pre-register [email protected]
what to bring: a gemstone or crystal for your Sacral Chakra (recommended Moonstone, Carnelian, Ocean Jasper, orange Calcite...)
4. Stability. BASE CHAKRA: Earth Element and the Physical Body!
Earth ~ Base ~ Cube ~ Root ~ GROUNDING!
<includes EARTH SOLE Chakra>
Geometry: Cube, Square
Crystals: Garnet, Galena, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz
Mayan Tone: 4 Stability
Element: EARTH
Power Animal: Snake, Turtle
This session we will go underground deep into our roots to see where we've been so we can see where to go.
We will re-establish our GROUNDING CORD and EARTH SOLE CHAKRA in resonance with our KNEE CHAKRAS and BASE CHAKRA!
Our field trip takes us to the Earth in exploration of the Art of the Sand Painting~
We will discuss the Science of Crystals and gridding, Minerals, Food, Shelter, Feng Shui
Sacred Geometry of the Square and Cube as well as the Hexahedron layer of the MerKaBa Light Body!
4. Stability. BASE CHAKRA: Earth Element and the Physical Body!
Earth ~ Base ~ Cube ~ Root ~ GROUNDING!
<includes EARTH SOLE Chakra>
Geometry: Cube, Square
Crystals: Garnet, Galena, Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz
Mayan Tone: 4 Stability
Element: EARTH
Power Animal: Snake, Turtle
This session we will go underground deep into our roots to see where we've been so we can see where to go.
We will re-establish our GROUNDING CORD and EARTH SOLE CHAKRA in resonance with our KNEE CHAKRAS and BASE CHAKRA!
Our field trip takes us to the Earth in exploration of the Art of the Sand Painting~
We will discuss the Science of Crystals and gridding, Minerals, Food, Shelter, Feng Shui
Sacred Geometry of the Square and Cube as well as the Hexahedron layer of the MerKaBa Light Body!
the PUBIC Chakra
5::. EMPOWERMENT ~ the WOOD Element
initiation, generation, growth, Personal Power
Geometry: Square Root of 2, Pentagon
Crystals: Agate, Zincite, Ruby, Aragonite,
Mayan Tone: 5 Empowerment
Element: WOOD
Power Animal: Rodent, Mouse, Rabbit, Beaver,
July 22 & 23 2016
5:43 p.m. -9:01p.m. Opening Ceremony @ SuperCharge! Foods. Sound Toning & Sanctuary meditation, Heart opening, Grounding, Higher Self connection
EARLY MORNING (tba) Sacred Site ~local nature~ Field Trip: Float Tanks/ Infared Sauna Blessing CEREMONY
1:00 pm-5:00pm Class @ SuperCharge! Foods
cost/ energy exchange $110 :)
gemstones varieties recommended for your Kuya~ bring one to initiate into your Mesa
the Pubic Chakra deals with sexual energy and your Pubic pump, which is essential for moving energy from the lower Chakras through the HEART to the upper Chakras...
this session includes rebirthing work, plants, herbs, oils, breathwork and movement for transformation and of course the usual Sacred Geometry, Sanctuary Meditations, Power Animal retrival and sound toning.
*We will have a "Float Tank"/ 'Sensory deprivation'/ "sensory enhancement" experience as part of Our ReBirthing Ceremony and also we will have an Infared Sauna sweat lodge experience. There will be an added fee of $50 for our local Floating facilitators in offering us a discounted group rate for our private sessions.*
the HEART Chakra
6 ::: FLOW ~ the Air Element
the Psyche, Ancestors, Heart of Hearts Heart Sanctuary
BreathWork, pranayama
Geometry: Octahedron
Crystals: Malachite, Aventurine, Green Tourmaline, Bloodstone
Mayan Tone: 6 flow
Element: Air
Power Animal: Winged One/ Birds
The Heart session deals with opening the Heart and aligning your energy from a bigger picture perspective. It connects One with the subconscious and guidance from the ancestors. We will journey to a local mountain and spend time in the 'air' like the birds.
We will be working with our octahedral merkaba field light body
the THYMUS Chakra
7 ::: REFLECTION ~ the Metal Element
the Ego, Immune system, discernment, personality, the Personal Heart.
Muscle Testing, dowsing, Metal Forging Ceremony
Geometry: the Square Root of 5
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Rhodocrosite, watermelon Tourmaline, Kunzite, Stibnite, MagnetoHeart Stone
Mayan Tone: 7 Reflection
Element: Metal
Power Animal: Ego
The Thymus deals with the Sacred Root of 5 and an integration point for the Light body, medicine body: integrating the lower chakras to merge with the Spiritual reflection of the upper chakras
we will explore dowsing and start remote sensing and key into our sense of Self and identifying Self verse 'non self'
we will be looking to create space camping in the woods for the 2 days and having a nice fire.
bring what you need to camp, food to share, chairs, blankets- what you need to be comfortable
please contact TJ to pre-register [email protected]
what to bring: a gemstone or crystal for your Thymus Chakra
a pendulum (i will have some for sale ~ also able to custom create one to your liking)
food camping gear
compass for making circles (not direction)
colored writing utencils for making Sacred G's
paper or notebook for notes and art
sacred objects you wish to charge
snacks FOOD
anything to make you comforable
the NOSE Chakra
8 ::: JUSTICE ~ the Senses / Perception
Sense, direction, space & time, the Right Brain
Geometry: PHI, Spirals
Crystals: Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite,
Mayan Tone: 8- Justice - Harmonic Resonance
Element: Perception
Power Animal: Horse, Elephant, Deer, Buffalo, etc.
The Nose Chakra begins our journey into the upper Chakras. It governs the right brain and our sense of perception, direction (physically & spiritually), and our ability to navigate through time and space.
~ The NOSE KNOWS the flow's flow! ~
This energy center includes the cranial pump, where energy from the lower chakras passes through the Heart to the upper Chakras on its way up to the Crown...
The Nose Chakra helps us navigate and direct our consciousness and body through life to live our highest trajectory of life experience. It connects our esoteric right brain sensory organs to our body and spirit.
bring spheres or balls to twirl in your palms!
Ground YOur Crown with Consciousness!!
the CROWN Chakra
9 ::: PATIENCE ~ Consciousness
Oneness Unity Consciousness, awareness, Highest Trajectory
connection to
your Soul Star Chakra
Geometry: Torus, Seed of Life
Crystals: Quartz, Selenite, Elestial, Danburite...
Mayan Tone: 9- Patience
Element: Consciousness
Power Animal: Whales, Dolphins
We will be exploring Consciousness and the Higher Self, in connection to our highest trajectory of Being, and persuit of our Divine mission and personal Gifts to share in the World.
Field Trip to Spirit Lake (Devil's Lake)
Soul Star Ceremony
connection to Home Star
the FRONTAL Chakra
10 ::: MANIFESTATION ~ Sound
Sound Healing, Frontal Lobe supercharge! connection to Higher Self, Spirit guides and activation to the dormant brain
Geometry: Flower of Life
Crystals: Fluorite, Sugilite, Spirit Quartz, Prehnite
Mayan Tone: 10-Manifestation
Element: Sound
Power Animal: Bee, Spider, Butterfly, Faeries
This session offers a SOUND HEALING SESSION
the BROW Chakra
11 ::: RESOLUTION ~ Light
Intuition, insight, inner-vision
Pineal activation and 3rd EYE perception
Geometry: Teseract & Fruit of Life
Crystals: Amethyst, Lepidocrosite, Spirit Quartz, Moldavite,
Mayan Tone: 11- Resolution
Element: Light
Power Animal: Dragons & lizards
the CHIN Chakra
12 ::: UNDERSTANDING ~ Thought
logic, reason, the left brain
interpreting and translating subjective perception and information
Geometry: Fibonacci Spirals, Grids
Crystals: Sodalite, Blue Apatite, Celestite, Lapis
Mayan Tone: 12 - Understanding
Element: Thought
Power Animal: Monkey / primates
we will be reviewing Calendars and Astrology and how to integrate these long wave bigger picture information systems into the present now in daily life
the THROAT Chakra
13 ::: Ascension ~ Aether
communication, expression
sharing/ accessing information
Geometry: Dodecahedron, Squaring the Circle
Crystals: Turquoise, Celestite, Blue Lace Agate, Larimar, Apatite
Mayan Tone: 13- Ascension
Element: Aether
Power Animal: Bear
This is a powerful and integrative session, the last of this year's Medicine Wheel before starting the next series after Spring Equinox